New Social Distance


In mid-March, as winter starts to turn into spring, the coronavirus quiets Helsinki. In press conferences, the government urges people to stay at home, but city dwellers find inventive ways to meet each other safely. Walkers move side by side, maintaining a safe distance and shouting their news from afar. On the streets, people perform peculiar dances as they sidestep to avoid getting too close to one another. Restaurant terraces are closed, so people arrange to have beers on park benches or picnics on seaside rocks. The recommendations mention a two-meter safe distance, but Finns play it safe. Many keep a distance of 3—4 meters from others. And maintaining distance isn't difficult, as Helsinki's streets aren't usually very crowded, and now they're almost empty. Finland has managed with lighter restrictions than many other countries. Nevertheless, our coronavirus numbers have remained low. This might be due to us Finns: keepers of safe distances, washers of hands, shouters from afar. What can the virus do to such people!

Text: Saska Saarikoski / Helsingin Sanoma
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